Kim’s Academy Black Belt Association

The Kim’s Academy Black Belt Association (or KABBA) is a non-profit organization which was founded by several black belts of Kim’s Academy.   KABBA’s mission statement is:

“To be a positive force in our community through the promotion of Taekwondo. To foster the beneficial and constructive growth of the next generation of Black Belts and to preserve harmony within the entire Black Belt family. “

All Kim’s Academy Black Belts are eligible to become a member of KABBA, and a contributing membership is a requirement for active members.  To become a member download this form, fill it out and return to Kim’s Academy Main School along with your dues.  You can also pay your dues online via the Paypal link below.

A meeting for KABBA members is held quarterly at the Main School.  Please check the Events page for information on the next scheduled meeting.

KABBA has partnered with organizations who graciously give donations to the Association when you make purchases with them.  Please check the Giving Partners page for more information.

For more information about KABBA, please contact

Board of Directors

Nicole VanNatta, 6th Dan

Jessica Pierce, 6th Dan

Terese Lewis, 6th Dan

Ron Hawkins, 6th Dan

Copyright 2004 – 2024 Kim’s Academy of Taekwondo