
Poomsae, often referred to as forms or patterns, is a fundamental aspect of traditional Taekwondo. It is a choreographed sequence of movements, representing various defense and attack techniques against imaginary opponents. Poomsae embodies the essence of martial arts, combining grace, power, balance, and precision into a harmonious expression of Taekwondo’s philosophy and techniques.

History and Evolution

Poomsae has a rich history that dates back to ancient Korea, where it was initially developed as a method for preserving and passing down combat techniques from one generation to the next. Over centuries, it evolved and took on symbolic meanings, encompassing aspects of Korean culture, philosophy, and aesthetics.

The Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) first standardized the poomsae system in the 1950s, and it further evolved under the World Taekwondo (WT) and the Kukkiwon, becoming an integral part of the modern Olympic-style Taekwondo.

Purpose and Benefits

Poomsae practice serves multiple important purposes within Taekwondo training:

  1. Mastery of Techniques: Poomsae enables practitioners to master and refine their techniques. Each movement requires precise execution, helping students improve their stances, strikes, blocks, and kicks.
  2. Mental Discipline: Learning and performing poomsae require concentration, focus, and discipline. It cultivates a strong mind-body connection and enhances mental fortitude.
  3. Muscle Memory and Coordination: Repeatedly practicing poomsae helps develop muscle memory, leading to better coordination and fluidity in movements.
  4. Physical Fitness: The continuous transitions and dynamic motions involved in poomsae contribute to improved flexibility, strength, and endurance.
  5. Self-Expression: Poomsae allows practitioners to express their individuality within the structured movements, making it both a traditional art form and a personal journey of self-expression.
  6. Competition and Evaluation: In the context of competitions, poomsae serves as a standardized form for evaluation, providing a fair and objective basis to assess a practitioner’s skill and proficiency.


Novice practitioners begin with basic forms and progress through a series of increasingly challenging poomsae as they advance in rank and skill level. Each poomsae has its distinct set of movements and meanings, contributing to the holistic development of the Taekwondo practitioner.  There are two styles of poomsae taught today:


Taegeuk is the newer and more widely practiced set of forms in Taekwondo. It was introduced in the 1970s by the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) as a way to standardize forms for the rapidly growing sport. The Taegeuk forms were created based on the concepts of Yin and Yang and the theory of continuous change, reflecting the philosophy of balance and harmony.  The Taegeuk series consists of eight forms (Taegeuk Il Jang to Taegeuk Pal Jang). Each form represents a different level of complexity and skill in Taekwondo training. They are generally taught to color belt (gup) practitioners.


Palgwe is an older set of forms that predates Taegeuk. It was originally used in early versions of Taekwondo before the adoption of Taegeuk. The forms were created based on the eight trigrams used in traditional Korean philosophy, which also relate to the principles of Yin and Yang.  The Palgwe series consists of eight forms (Palgwe Il Jang to Palgwe Pal Jang) as well. Similar to Taegeuk forms, each Palgwe form signifies a progression in the practitioner’s skills and understanding of the art. These forms were also typically taught to color belt practitioners.

In modern Taekwondo, many schools and organizations have adopted the Taegeuk forms as their standard curriculum, as they were introduced with the aim of unifying and standardizing forms across different Taekwondo associations. However, some schools may still teach the Palgwe forms or incorporate them into their training to preserve the historical roots of Taekwondo.  At Kim’s Academy we train in both styles.

Philosophical Elements

Beyond the physical aspects, poomsae is deeply rooted in traditional Korean philosophy, incorporating elements such as yin-yang balance, the five tenets of Taekwondo (Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Indomitable Spirit), and the cultural essence of Korea.


Poomsae is not merely a demonstration of physical prowess but a profound representation of the essence of Taekwondo. Through diligent practice and understanding, practitioners not only refine their techniques but also internalize the values of discipline, respect, and perseverance that transcend the training hall and enrich their lives. It stands as a testament to the heritage of Taekwondo and a timeless form of art that continues to inspire and shape the future of martial artists worldwide.

Poomsae Videos

For practical demonstrations of poomsaes tailored to each color belt rank, you’ll find video recordings by Grandmaster Kim in our Video section.

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